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When You Slept Like Crap...

Emily Wolbers, ND

Updated: Apr 29, 2020

When you slept like absolute crap, but you need to concentrate, and more sleep is not an option...

Most people turn to caffeine, and I admit it helps, but studies show something else helps more:⁠


A small (but mighty) study of sleep-deprived individuals shows that just 10 minutes of cardiovascular exercise is better than caffeine for mental processing. ⁠

10 minutes of heart pumping exercise is shown to speed mental processes, enhance memory storage and boost energy far more than a moderate dose of caffeine (50 mg)⁠

Next time you're shy on sleep, try climbing stairs for 10 minutes, going on a 10 minute jog, or doing push ups and jumping jacks instead of reaching for that extra cup of jo. Your mind and body with thank you!

Check this research article out for more info!


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