This past weekend I listened to a fantastic interview from The Naturopathic Medicine Institute with @dralauna and @drjaquelndabout how medical providers can best show up for our patients, leaving biases at the door.
Racial discrimination has a powerful legacy in medical institutions, and it's so important to#checkyourprivilegewhen taking someone's life into your hands.
Here are some highlights from the interview:
#1Do the work - if you have uncomfortable emotions around race, that's our amygdalaspeaking - our emotional center of our brain - and it's time to repair it.
These tests highlight biases that you may not know you have. There are options to test for gender, race, sexual orientation, weight, and many more. This is a gigantic first step in dissolving our biases.
#2Dismantle old narratives - use your resources, watch documentaries that make you uncomfortable, ask questions, have conversations, read books to better yourself, listen!
There is no shame in continuing to learn and no shame in growing as a person.
#3Vote - Racism is not new. Systemic racism gets untangled starting with you. Get registered today and contribute to positive change.