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Simple, Cheap, and Easy

Emily Wolbers, ND

How did the meal prepping go from last week's blog post? I'd love to hear about it! I'd also like to offer one more solution to healthy meal prepping, especially when resources like time, energy, and motivation is low. Meet your new Breakfast, Lunch, and Dinner!

Breakfast: Overnight Oats

Make your breakfasts in advance to have delicious food at your fingertips the next morning. Simply soak rolled oats and/or oat bran in a jar with milk overnight and wake to a ready-made meal. Don't forget to soak the goodies too! My favorites are chocolate-flavored protein powder, nut butter, ground flax seed, and dried figs. Check out this blog for more ideas.

Lunch: Mason Jar Salads

Have a trendy lunch at the handy. Fill quart-sized mason jars with leafy greens + beans or lentils + crumbled cheese + roasted nuts + dressing for a simple wholesome lunch that will make your colleagues ogle. Click here for recipe ideas.

Dinner: Crock Pot Meal

Last but not least, the trusty crock pot. It does the work for you! For a hot meal when you get home, add in all of the ingredients before you leave the house. Come home to the house smelling delicious and a wholesome meal ready to be eaten. Sign up here for a free E-book "Where Slow Food and Whole Food Meet"

Be well!

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