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Please use these blog posts, videos, and patient handouts as free tools to improve your health!
Emily Wolbers, ND
Oct 25, 20193 min read
Probiotics & Mood
The gut-brain connection has been present since the beginning of humankind, but the research on this connection has expanded...
Emily Wolbers, ND
Sep 27, 20192 min read
Be Bitter & Feel Better
Though I'm a big fan of expressing your true emotions, this post is about herbal bitters. The kind that you put in cocktails and the kind...
Emily Wolbers, ND
Sep 13, 20192 min read
The How & Why of Leaky Gut
I love stumbling upon notes from medical school. There's some good stuff in there! One of my favorite topics, by far, was and is leaky...
Emily Wolbers, ND
Jul 12, 20192 min read
The Mysterious Microbiome
Ah the microbiome, a hot topic in today's world though something that has been present since the beginning of humankind. Think of the...
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